Rounding To The Nearest Thousand. Marsha's brother thought that the answer. Here we have a selection of teaching resources that can be used to teach students about rounding numbers to the nearest thousand.
In general, you round to a given place by looking at the digit one place to the right of the "target" place. To round a number with more than two digits to the nearest ten, use the same method, focusing only on the ones and tens digits. After you understand how to round a number to the nearest ten, rounding a number to the nearest hundred, thousand, or beyond is easy.
This gives people a better idea of the accuracy of your number.
Answer Sheet: Rounding to the nearest thousand.
Rounding a number makes it easier to work with. Created by Sal Khan and Monterey Institute for Technology and Education. It does not include rounding with decimals as it is not a skill my students.