Groups Of Animals Worksheet. Color the common characteristics of amphibians. Kids will learn all about mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and fish.
It covers fish, amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles and has illustrations of animals from each group that can help children to visualise them too. Animals and animal groups with clues for lower primary students. Animals ESL Games, Activities and Worksheets.
ESL Printable Animals Vocabulary Worksheets, Picture Dictionaries, Matching Exercises, Word Search and Crossword Puzzles, Missing Letters in Words and Unscramble the Words Exercises, Multiple Choice Tests, Flashcards, Vocabulary Learning Cards, ESL Fidget Spinner and Dominoes.
Look at the worksheet and description and decide which one to print.
Target Language: l'animale animal lo zoo zoo l'asino donkey il cane dog il gatto cat la capra goat il cavallo horse l'elefante (m) elephant la gallina Instructions: Read and answer questions about the zoo. Printable science worksheet on animal groups. Where do animals live, what do they eat?