2nd Grade Syllables. Syllables : Reading : Second Grade English Language Arts Worksheets. A great way to build the foundation skills that today's elementary school curriculum requires.
These chopped parts are the beats of the words. Words ending in "-tion", "-sion", "-ic" or "-al" among other suffixes, generally have the stress on the syllable found before these terminations. A great way to build the foundation skills that today's elementary school curriculum requires.
For second graders, this Common Core area helps students gain mastery of the rules for using the English language, including vocabulary use and language conventions, in order to improve their skills as writers and readers.
Syllables are also important very early on as their mastery dictates a child's success in reading.
Click the buttons to print each worksheet and answer key. Improve your language arts knowledge with free questions in "Sort by the number of syllables" and thousands of other language arts skills. It's important that over the course of these worksheets students begin to build up a bit of reading endurance.